CVMA Guide to Cal/OSHA Compliance
Available to CVMA members only.
The CVMA Guide to Cal/OSHA Compliance is the easiest and most efficient way for veterinary practices to comply wih Cal/OSHA regulations. It provides a written safety plan, helpful forms, training resources and more to assist your practice in meeting mandated requirements. This interactive step-by-step process includes the Injury & Illness Prevention Program, Emergency Action Plan, Fire Prevention Plan, Hazard Communication Program and more - all in one place!
Your annual subscription includes yearly reminders, important notifications and updates, and online access to the Guide.
Cal/OSHA requires a written safety plan in every workplace. A Cal/OSHA inspector will ask to see your plan. Don't leave yourself open to significant fines.
Note: Please allow up to five business days for your order to be processed. You will then be able to view the guide online by clicking on the CVMA Guide to Cal/OSHA Compliance link on the website or from your My Account page on the website.